Small batch Honey - sold out for 2022
Still a small operation, this year we doubled the size of the bee yard, and the HoneyWizards tripled production.
There were three varieties: Early Summer Light Wildflower, Late Summer Medium Wildflower, and Autumn Dark Wildflower.
Like last year, all honey sold out almost immediately as soon as extraction and bottling were completed.
Thank you for another great season.
Still a small operation, this year we doubled the size of the bee yard, and the HoneyWizards tripled production.
There were three varieties: Early Summer Light Wildflower, Late Summer Medium Wildflower, and Autumn Dark Wildflower.
Like last year, all honey sold out almost immediately as soon as extraction and bottling were completed.
Thank you for another great season.
Small Batch Honey -- sold out for 2021
Honey Bee Swarm Capture Service
Swarm capture |
Swarms relocated |
New homes provided |